Coix Lacryma-Jobi

Coix Lacryma-Jobi

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Buy Coix Lacryma-Jobi Online

Coix lacryma-jobi is a scientific name of Job’s tears, also known as adlay or adlay millet. It is a tropical plant of the grass family named Poaceae, a tall grain-bearing plant. This plant is sold in the most commonly used name, Chinese pearl barley. Job’s tears are native to Southeast Asia and grow in Northern China and India, cultivated annually in gardens. This plant species exists mostly in two varieties, one wild and the other cultivated. It is also cultivated in many warm places as food, ornament, and medicine.

The appearance of Job’s tears:

Job’s tears, a wild variety, are hard-shelled pseudocarps structured whose beads are used to make necklaces, prayer beads, and many ornamental design beads. And the cultivated variety of Job’s tear has a softshell, which is used widely for medicinal purposes in various parts of Asia. It is erect 1-3 metres tall in size.

Uses and benefits:

  • Cooked seed gives a pleasant flavour used to make soups and broths

  • It is highly protein-containing grain than carbohydrate composition.

  • Tea and coffee are also made from this seed.

  • Fruits are used as anti-inflammatory,antiseptic,antispasmodic,hypotensive,sedative,antipyretic and vermifuge.

  • It fruits treat abdominal tumours, oesophageal and lung cancer etc.

  • It also treats menstrual disorders.

Where to buy Coix lacryma online?

If you want to buy Job’s tear, you can order Coix lacryma online. Many websites sell supplements of job’s tear at various offers that you can afford at low prices and the best quality of the product they deliver. Some of the good websites which sell this are Indiamart, amazon, desertcard, exportersindia etc.


It is widely used nowadays in the form of various supplements that cures many health problems, and many daily used products are also available of this plant.


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